
Weight Loss With Gestational Diabetes

Weight Loss With Gestational Diabetes

Controlling your weight(weight loss or gain) while controlling your blood sugar levels are two essential tasks in gestational diabetes and both of these tasks can be completed

If you stick to a low glycemic and low-calorie diet while also staying active. In gestational diabetes, weight loss is seen very commonly.

Your baby will be sufficiently growing and staying healthy even without you eating those extra calories.

Eating for two is nothing but a myth and you do not have to eat more calories until your third trimester as your baby grows appropriately during the first two trimesters.

Only 200 calories are to be added to your diet in your third trimester.

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How much weight gain is normal with GDM?

The majority of pregnant women gain some weight during their pregnancies, but there is no set recommendation for how much you should gain because every woman is unique.

However, depending on your pre-pregnancy weight gain;

  • you can gain almost 28 to 40 pounds if underweight,
  • 15 to 25 pounds if overweight,
  • 11 to 20 pounds if obese, and lastly
  • only 25 to 35 pounds if you had an average weight.

The placenta, additional blood volume, developing baby, and womb are all included in the weight. Avoid “dieting” to reduce weight since it could not be safe for your unborn child.

Your healthcare team will keep an eye on you and the baby, routinely check your weight, and communicate with you about your development.

If your team believes that your weight might be a problem, they could tackle the situation by discussing what to eat rather than having you weighed while you are pregnant.

Managing your weight when you have gestational diabetes does not involve dieting or weight loss, for this reason.

The following approaches are fruitful in gestational diabetes for weight loss.

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Weight Loss Through Staying Active

It will be simpler for you to adjust to your altering form and weight increase the more fit and active you are when pregnant. Additionally, it will assist you to get through labor and recover after childbirth.

As long as you feel comfortable, continue your regular daily physical activity or exercise (sport, jogging, yoga, dance, or even just going to and from the store).

Your unborn baby won’t be at risk from exercise. Some evidence suggests that active women are less likely to have issues with labor and later pregnancy.

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Don’t overwork yourself. As your pregnancy goes on or if your maternity team encourages you to, you might need to slow down. Consider asking your maternity team if you are interested to know.

Generally speaking, you should be able to carry on a conversation while working out during pregnancy. You’re probably exercising too hard if you have trouble breathing while speaking.

Do not start doing intense activities if you were not active before getting pregnant.

Tell the instructor that you are pregnant before beginning any aerobic activity program (such as jogging, swimming, cycling, or aerobics courses), and start with no more than 15 minutes of continuous exercise, three times a week. Gradually increase this to daily 30-minute sessions.

Note: Keep in mind that exercise does not have to be challenging to be effective.

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Some tips to remember:

  • Never work out without warming up beforehand, and always cool down afterward.
  • Try to be active every day. Walking for 30 minutes a day is usually sufficient, but if you are unable to do so, any amount of time is preferable to none. [Ref]
  • Avoid engaging in excessive activity when the weather is hot and drink enough water and other fluids.
  • Make sure your instructor is qualified and aware of your pregnancy and how many weeks along you are if you attend fitness courses.
  • Given that the water will sustain your increasing weight, you might want to give swimming a try. Aqua-natal sessions are offered at a few local swimming facilities with trained teachers.
  • Exercises that increase your danger of falling, such as horseback riding, downhill skiing, ice hockey, gymnastics, and cycling, should only be performed with caution.
  • Falls put your infant in danger of injury.
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What Sort of Exercises Should You Avoid?

After 16 weeks, avoid lying flat on your back for prolonged amounts of time since the pressure from your bump on the major blood artery returning blood to your heart might cause you to feel dizzy.

Avoid engaging in contact sports like kickboxing, judo, or squash where there is a chance of getting hit.

Refrain from scuba diving as your unborn child is not protected from decompression sickness and gas embolism (blood-stream gas bubbles).

Avoid exercising at altitudes higher than 2,500 meters since both you and your unborn child are susceptible to altitude sickness.

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Weight Loss Through a Healthy Diet

You can lose weight while staying active but if your diet is not healthy or appropriate then you will end up endangering the lives of both your unborn baby and yours.

Basic recommendations: [Ref]

You must consume a range of healthful foods for a balanced diet. When you shop, reading food labels might assist you in selecting healthier options.

Speak with your healthcare practitioner if you’re a vegetarian or following a special diet to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet.

In general, you ought to consume the following:

  • A lot of fresh, whole fruits and veggies
  • Lean proteins and good fats in moderate doses
  • Moderate amounts of starchy vegetables like maize and peas together with whole grains like bread, cereal, pasta, and rice
  • There should be fewer sugary meals such as soft drinks, fruit juices, and pastries.
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Consume 3 to 5 portions daily. A serving is equivalent to:

  • 340 grams or 1 cup of leafy green veggies
  • 1 cup (340 grams) of raw leafy greens, either cooked or chopped
  • 255 grams, or 3/4 cup, of vegetable juice
  • 170 grams or half a cup of chopped, raw, or cooked veggies

Vegetables that are good for you include:

  • Vegetables that are fresh or frozen without additives like fats, or salt
  • Vegetables that are dark green or deep yellow, such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, and peppers
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Consume 4 servings per day of low- or nonfat dairy products. A serving is equivalent to:

  • 240 milliliters of milk or yogurt, 1 cup
  • 1 1/2 ounce (42 grams) (42 grams) organic cheese
  • 2 oz (56 grams) (56 grams) flavored cheese

Dairy products that are healthy include:

  • Yogurt or milk with reduced or no fat. Avoid yogurt that has artificial sweeteners or added sugar.
  • Protein, calcium, and phosphorus are in large quantities in dairy products.
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  • Whole grain carbs with a high fiber content are a good choice. These forms of carbs are called complex carbohydrates.
  • You should consume fewer than half of your calories from carbs.
  • Food’s carbohydrate content is expressed in grams. You can get the hang of keeping track of how much carbs are in the meals you consume.
  • Avoid consuming simple carbs like white rice, potatoes, candy, soda, and other sweets. This is due to the fact that they swiftly raise your blood sugar levels after eating certain foods.
  • Your health and blood sugar will benefit from eating more vegetables. Take advantage of many.
  • Starchy or sweet meals contain the majority of carbs. Bread, rice, pasta, cereal, potatoes, peas, maize, fruit, milk, yogurt, candy, soda, and other sweets are among them.
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Consume 2 to 4 servings daily. A serving is equivalent to:

  • 1 medium fruit complete (such as a banana, apple, or orange)
  • 1/2 cup (170 grams) of fruit, cooked, frozen, or canned
  • 180 milliliters, or 3/4 cup, of fruit juice

Fruits that are good for you include:

  • Whole fruits as opposed to juices. There is more fiber in them.
  • Fruit juices are free of extra sugar.
  • Juices and fresh fruits. Compared to frozen or canned options, they are more nutrient-dense.
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Protein options

Consume 2 to 3 portions daily. A serving is equivalent to:

  • 2 to 3 ounces (55 to 84 grams) (55 to 84 grams) of cooked chicken, fish, or meat
  • 1/2 cup (170 grams) (170 grams) of prepared beans
  • 1 egg
  • two tablespoons (30 grams) Peanut butter

Options for lean proteins include:

  • Poultry and seafood. Chicken and turkey should not have skin on them.
  • Remove fat from the meat. Instead of frying, you may bake, roast, broil, grill, or boil.
  • These foods are great providers of protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins.
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  • Avoid meals rich in saturated fats
  • Choose healthy fats like canola oil, olive oil, etc
  • Stick to a low-fat diet and not a fat-free diet

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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