chat with Dr. Ahmed Farhan author at

Hello, I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine). I am a medical doctor. I have specialized in Internal Medicine and have been practicing for the past 15 years.

I was the only “Distinction Holder in Medicine” in my Medical School. Here is my ‘Certificate of Distinction

Distinction certificate
Certificate of Distinction in Medicine

I love practicing Medicine and helping people. At ““, I share my thoughts and experiences.

I treat a variety of patients but most have diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and complex health problems.

I have published two books so far on Amazon. Here is the link: My Amazon Books. These are meal plans written for diabetics and obese individuals.

Being honest with my patients is the key factor of why my patients and colleagues rank me “the best” and that is why I have got 5 Stars on Google Reviews from all my patients until now.

best medical specialist dr ahmed farhan
5 stars on Google reviews

Prescribing medications is usually necessary but I ask my patients to avoid taking medications for simple problems.

A healthy lifestyle, eating healthy, and regular exercise, and hiking can prevent you from visiting hospitals.

Dr. Ahmed Farhan
FCPS Internal Medicine: at the event of completing postgraduate qualification in Internal Medicine

My Private Clinic:

Here is a photo of my private clinic.

Picture of my clinic
Picture of my clinic

Dr. Ahmed’ Professional Qualifications:

I am currently appointed as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at PIMS Hospital. I have published about 12 articles in Medicine and a few case reports of very rare diseases.

Here is a pic of my Google Scholar Profile:

my publications
my publications

I supervise post-graduate trainees and undergraduate medical students as well. I have a team of students who are keen on research and publications.

I supervise various ongoing projects including:

  • The role of melatonin in migraine
  • The epidemic of MASLD and NAFLD
  • Rrixaximin in functional dyspepsia.
HIV workshop
HIV workshop certificate

On weekends, I go to my village and see poor patients. Medical practice is different there. Sometimes you have to pay the patient for treatment because of extreme poverty.

I rarely go to meetings arranged by pharmaceuticals. However, once in a while, I do attend medical conferences.

These conferences not only provide me with the opportunity to learn from other experts but also offer a platform to present research and experiences.

Diabetes conference at Dubai
Diabetes conference at Dubai

Dr. Ahmed Personal Info:

I have a beautiful family of five people. Me, my wife, and my three loving daughters.

My family is his greatest source of inspiration and support for me.

Dr. Ahmed Family Anza and Zuno
Anza Zuno and me
Zaira Dr. Ahmed
Zaira Ahmed Khan (ZAK) and me

I love going outdoors and hiking. I usually wake up at 4 a.m. in summer and 5 am in winter.

This early morning ritual is accompanied by a serene morning walk, during which I gather my thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.

Morning tea hiking
Hiking in the morning. Making tea. Simple life

Writing serves as a means to process my experiences and share my perspectives with the world.

I love my work and blogging in particular. I am fascinated by the impact of my posts and articles, and I always monitor my analytics graph to gauge the reach and engagement of my content.

Despite all these accomplishments, I occasionally experience a hint of frustration. I find myself at odds with Google’s algorithms and ranking system, which is helping the big companies only.

However, this frustration only serves as fuel for my determination to continue producing high-quality content and striving for recognition.

Here is what Dr. Ahmed has to say about managing in his busy schedule:

“This is my daily routine while managing amidst a busy schedule:

I wake up early in the morning, and after my morning prayer, I head out for a walk and engage in some light physical activity.

I started this routine when I began my blog because I believe it’s important to practice what I preach. It wouldn’t be fair to encourage people to exercise and eat healthily if I’m not doing the same.

After my morning exercise, I make a cup of tea and dedicate about 30 to 60 minutes to working on my blog, which includes writing and managing various aspects.

Then, it’s off to the hospital, where I follow a demanding schedule from 8 AM to 2 PM.

My responsibilities vary throughout the week, from consulting patients in the outpatient department to conducting ward rounds and discussions with post-graduate residents, attending various hospital meetings, and teaching undergraduate students.

Once my hospital hours are over, I take a break for lunch and a short nap that typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

At 5 PM, I head to my private clinic, where I see patients until 9 PM. Many of these patients come to me for help with conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, PCOS, hypertension, infections, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and various other health-related issues.

After wrapping up at the clinic, I have a light dinner, recite my evening prayers, spend quality time with my family, and then go to bed, hoping that the next day will be even more rewarding and fulfilling”

How to contact Dr. Ahmed?

You can freely contact me via email at:


or my Twitter account at:

or my Facebook page:

Read and Buy my Books on Amazon:

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