Foods for focus, memory, and elderly people with dementia include foods that are rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, and low in carbohydrates.
In addition to foods that lower LDL levels and increase HDL levels, foods that increase blood supply to the brain and make you alert are also good to sharpen your memory and improve your focus.
Exercise should be added to a healthy meal plan to improve memory and mental alertness.
Diet has its special place in every sort of condition that is present in the field of science and medicine.
Neglecting diet while attempting to treat a condition is worthless as a person’s body needs the energy to try and fight the illness and that energy can only be received from dietary components.
Such components can be life saving in many scenarios, however, in some cases certain dietary components can be life-threatening.
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For this cause, it is of vital importance to make patients aware of the right sort of food to eat and what they need to avoid at all costs.
Here we have a list of food items that improve your memory and focus and are suitable for dementia patients.
What is Dementia?
Dementia is a state in which an individual may lose the capabilities to think, reason, and memorize. This condition affects a person’s life to great extent and he or she must completely depend on others to carry out basic functions of life.
Some symptoms include acting impulsively, taking longer to complete normal daily tasks, repeating questions, not caring about other people’s feelings, poor judgment, and confusion.
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Foods for Focus and memory:
A list of foods that may help treat dementia, improve your memory and help you focus is presented here. Such foods must be included in daily life in order to prevent the occurrence of dementia as well.
Leafy green vegetables:
In any diet, leafy green vegetables take their own spot because of their nutrient rich composition.
According to studies, leafy vegetables are known to protect against cognitive decline. They contain high levels of nutrients and antioxidants that can help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. [Ref]
Such veggies are rich in folate and high levels of folate in a person’s blood can also help predict an individual’s chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
Many people supplement their diets with folate to prevent Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.
Because of their strong association with cognitive development, leafy green vegetables are a must-have in your diet.
These veggies include the following:
- Cabbage
- Spinach
- Kale
- Chard
- Collard
- Romaine lettuce
- Leaf lettuce
Non-starchy vegetables:
Being loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals these non starchy veggies are vital for your diet. These vegetables include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, etc. they are helpful in aiding with brain development.
According to a study, plant-based foods that are rich in antioxidants are beneficial for human cognition as they have a positive relationship with healthy brain aging. [Ref]
Oxidative stress can induce inflammation and neuroinflammation has been known to take part in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. [Ref]
For this reason, cruciferous vegetables must be a part of your dementia fighting diet.
Green tea:
Green tea has antioxidants, caffeine, and l-theanine that help a person focus and avoid cravings. It boosts energy levels, and exercise capacity, improves attention span, and helps your muscles to recover quickly.
Green tea also helps in digestion and improves your brain clarity.

Coffee is commonly used for brain alertness. Caffeine makes your brain more alert. In clinical trials, coffee consumption was found to enhance alertness, memory, and retention time in fully rested as well as sleep-deprived people.
It acts as a stimulant without making people addicted, unlike most stimulant drugs [Ref] Coffee has also been implicated in better learning in young adults [Ref]
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Dark Chocolates:
Dark chocolates can improve your alertness and focus as they contain caffeine. It should, however, be consumed in moderation to not be overrun by side effects such as dental caries and weight gain.
Dark chocolates are rich in flavonoids. People including senior citizens who consume more flavonoids have better cognition.
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Choose Fish:
Lean meat must always be preferred over red meat. Fish provides a patient with healthy fats as well as lean proteins which makes it the foundation of a healthy diet for dementia.
According to research into the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and dementia, This study looked over 497 titles and went into 49 of them in depth. Omega-3 fatty acids were discovered to be linked to a decreased risk of dementia. [Ref]
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Such fish may include:
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Anchovy
- Amberjack
- Alewife
- Albacore
- Ballyhoo
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and omega-3 fatty acids make up a great part of the neuronal membranes making them vital for the development of the brain.
There has been evidence of lower serum levels of DHA in patients with Alzheimer’s disease which contributes to the possibility of its deficiency having a link with cognitive impairment.
High Protein Fish (Fish With Most Protein): Tuna, Cod, and Salmon
Out of four, three short-term trials regarding the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on patients with mild cognitive impairments showed positive associations. [Ref]
A systematic literature search recognized 43 studies that analyzed the link between vitamin B12 and cognitive decline. There were 17 studies that supported the use of vitamin B12 for cognitive impairment as lower serum levels of vitamin B12 had a link with neurodegeneration. [Ref]
Eat Nuts:
Following the above mentioned advice, nuts are known to be loaded with omega-3 fatty acids as well and omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in keeping your brain healthy. So, this shows why a person must include nuts in his/her diet.
As a cherry on top, nuts may prove to be healthy for your heart too. A healthier cardiovascular system is associated with lesser chances of dementia.
A long term, population based study analyzed the association between nut consumption and cognitive health.
This study found that women who ate at least 5 servings of nuts every week had a better cognition which emphasizes the importance of nuts. [Ref]
Eating more nuts may help with memorizing things quickly and may enhance one’s attention span.
Add olive oil:
Olive oil is recognised to help with a variety of ailments. Including this oil in your dementia-fighting diet is a fantastic idea.
The importance of olive oil in your fight against dementia can be emphasized through an indirect link which is explained here.
Olive oil is a monounsaturated fatty acid that lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) while increasing good cholesterol levels (HDL).
High cholesterol levels have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, as cholesterol regulates the plaque-forming proteins that cause disease, and olive oil can help lower cholesterol levels.. [Ref]
Avoid sugar at all costs:
A single but most noteworthy transition in your diet that will influence your chances for dementia is avoiding sugars. Understanding what not to eat is just as necessary as knowing what to eat.
Research has also advised against sugar consumption. Sugar filled beverages can be linked with several diseases counting dementia too.
Excessive consumption of sugar is related to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. these diseases put a person at an increased risk for dementia. [Ref]
Cutting sugars from your diet is the biggest step toward reducing risks for dementia. Sugars consumption serves as inducing inflammation in the body which may lead to cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.
Alongside sugars, there are quite a bunch of commonly consumed foods that must be avoided as well.
- Pasta
- High salt foods
- Junk food
- Processed foods
- Conventional dairy