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13 Best High Protein Snacks with Easy Recipes

Best High Protein Snacks

13 best high protein snacks that are best to maintain your muscle mass, help you lose weight, and are tasty as well are listed here.

If you are adding these high protein snacks to your diet as a part of your weight loss program, you should take them in moderation so as not to exceed the total amount of calories per day.

When you are in need of snacks …

Everyone goes through the mid-afternoon slump when the hunger pangs hit and the stomach starts growling.

At this time lunch is a distant memory and waiting for dinner is a long way to go. That is the time when you are in desperate need of a snack!

Snack choices must be made mindfully because hi sugary or salty snacks such as chips, cookies, and candy bars make you even more exhausted and also add an extra calorie load.

That’s why the best choice is a high protein snack that helps you feel full for longer, provides energy, and keeps extra calories off.

High protein snacks also help to avoid overeating and are super healthy!


Why is a High Protein Snack Healthy?

Protein snacks are healthy because, unlike carbohydrates, proteins take longer to digest, that’s why your stomach remains full for longer and you do not feel hungry sometimes.

Another reason is that proteins are nutrient-dense and provide far fewer calories than fats.


Here are some of the best high-protein snack options that are super healthy and time-saving:

1. Chia seed pudding:

high protein snacks chia seeds pudding banana blueberry smoothie
chia seeds pudding banana blueberry smoothie

Chia seed pudding is a perfect go-to snack. It contains protein, fiber, essential fats, and carbohydrates.

It is quite simple and is prepared in no time.

  • Combine 1 cup unsweetened almond milk add 1/4 cup chia seeds,
  • Then add 2 tablespoons honey and 1 cup plain Greek yogurt in a small container with any fruits you have on hand

2. Protein bars:

Homemade protein bars can be prepared ahead of time and kept around to satisfy your snack desires.

Oats, dates, almonds, and protein powder are common ingredients in many recipes. Protein bars are a convenient way to get a lot of protein into your diet.

Store-bought versions of protein bars are often rich in added sugar and other unneeded additives, so making them yourself is considerably better.


3. Roasted pumpkin seeds:

Roasted pumpkin seeds are an underappreciated dietary group that provides satiating protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

To make a crunchy snack, add a little olive oil, salt, and pepper and bake for several minutes

Roasted pumpkin seeds with maple and vanilla syrup can be a good option to satisfy your sweet cravings.

4. Nut butter:

peanut butter spread best high protein snacks
peanut butter spread best high protein snacks

Nut butter is a quick and portable high-protein snack. These are high in protein and healthy fats, vitamin E, B vitamins, and trace minerals.


5. Edamame beans:

high protein edamame beans
high protein edamame beans

Edamame beans are a young form of soybeans. They are a quick snack and they supply a great amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

One up of edamame can provide 17 grams of protein, 52% Vitamin K, and some amount of folate

Edamame is usually steamed before serving but precooked forms are also available, which only require to be reheated in the microwave.

Add spices and seasonings of your choice to improve flavor.


6. Hummus:

high protein snacks Hummus meal chickpeas appetizer
Hummus meal chickpeas appetizer

Hummus is a chickpea-based spread, it is a simple and easy method to get a lot of protein without going overboard before dinner.

You can pair it up with whole wheat crackers or veggie sticks.


7. Lentils:

Either cooked or boiled, lentils are an excellent appetizer. They are nutrient-dense and are loaded with protein.

One cup of lentil salad can provide approximately 18 g of protein. Lentils are also a rich source of iron, manganese, and folate.

Lentils contain an ample amount of fiber. They contain insoluble fiber which may help in improving the beneficial bacteria population in the gut, thereby aiding in improving gut health.

The combination of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates in lentils increases satiety, and regular consumption may help control chronic conditions like diabetes and the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

8. Cottage cheese:

Cottage cheese: high protein snacks
Cottage cheese: high protein snacks

Cheese is a dairy product that is well-known for its high protein content. Cottage cheese is the best choice because it is low in fat.  It’s a filling snack that you can add to your sandwiches.

A half-cup of cottage cheese has 14 g of protein, which makes it about 69 % of its total calorie content.

Cottage cheese is also a good source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and selenium, among other trace elements.


9. Milkshake with nuts:

high protein snacks: milkshake with nuts
high protein snacks: milkshake with nuts

Drinking a glass of milk is one of the quickest and easiest methods to obtain a decent healthy amount of protein.

Milk is not only nutritious and high in protein, but it is also delicious and creamy. Some people often find it difficult to drink milk because they do not like its taste.

You can go for chocolate milk or milkshakes with added nuts to make it a healthy high-protein snack.

With milk, protein powder, and fresh fruit, you can also prepare a fruit smoothie or protein shake.


10. Eggs:

hard boiled eggs high protein snacks for weight loss
hard-boiled eggs high protein snacks for weight loss

Eggs are very easy to make and contain nearly 13 grams of protein. Hard boil a couple of eggs to get an extra amount of protein most easily.

While egg white is rich in protein, egg yolk is also loaded with minerals such as calcium.

11. Lupini beans:

Lupini beans are an Italian snack that is protein-rich. These are also called lupins and taste similar to hard chickpeas. They are larger in size.

To consume these, you must soak them in water, put them in the refrigerator for some days, and then boil them before eating to lower the bitter taste.

Boiling also removes harmful substances such as alkaloids.


12. Kale chips:

Preparing kale chips: high protein snacks
Preparing kale chips: high protein snacks

This snack provides 9 grams of protein. To prepare this, you need

  • 2 cups of fresh kale leaves, chopped into small pieces
  • 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast, drizzled with olive oil
  • Preheat the oven to 325°F and bake the leaves for 15 minutes.
  • Make a portable snack by putting some in a sandwich bag.

13. Greek yogurt:

high protein greek yogurt for weight loss
high protein snacks: greek yogurt for weight loss

Up to 20 grams of protein can be found in a small container of fat-free Greek yogurt (about 2/3 cup).

Greek yogurt can aid with appetite management, leaving you feeling less hungry at your next meal. To make it more flavorful, you can add berries, fruit, or nuts.


Snacks must be always high in protein rather than high in fats or carbohydrates. These healthy high-protein snacks provide the optimal amount of energy and maintain satiety for a longer time.

Protein content per serving is summarized in the table below:


Protein Content per Serving

Chia Seed Pudding20 g
Homemade Protein Bars7 g
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds5-7 g per 1-ounce serving
Nut Butter4 g per 1-ounce serving
Edamame Beans17g per 1-cup serving
Hummus4 g
Lentils18g of protein per 1-cup serving
Cottage Cheese14g of protein per 1/2-cup serving
Milk8g of protein per 1-cup serving
Eggs13g of protein per 2 large eggs
Lupini Beans9g of protein per serving
Greek Yogurt20g of protein per 2/3-cup serving



What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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