
High Protein Fish (Fish With Most Protein): Tuna, Cod, and Salmon

High Protein Fish Options

Fish is an outstanding option to get your daily dose of protein. Apart from other dietary protein sources such as legumes, nuts, poultry, seeds, eggs, and lean meats, fish is the highest in good quality protein.

The protein content of fish has a high biologic value because it contains all the essential amino acids.

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Fish has a number of health benefits, aside from being a high protein source, it is abundant in B-vitamins and minerals. It also contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial for brain health.

Compared to other protein sources, fish is also low in calories. This makes it a low-calorie, high protein source good for weight loss too.

However, while buying a fish you must avoid fish that has been polluted with mercury or other contaminants as these can be harmful.

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There are several fish in the sea, but which ones are the finest and have the highest protein content?

In this article, we will discuss the types of fish that have a high protein content and are super healthy!

1. Tuna

Tuna fish contains only protein and therefore is very low in calories and fat.

Cooked tuna fish provides about 25 grams of protein and approximately 110 calories per 100 grams.

Although tuna contains some amount of mercury, its high levels of antioxidant mineral selenium protect against mercury toxicity.

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Tuna fish is also rich in B-vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Although it is super healthy for adults, tuna fish must not be consumed by pregnant or nursing mothers to avoid mercury toxicity in developing fetuses or nursing infants.

2. Cod

Cod is cold water, flaky white-colored fish that is an excellent choice for those wanting to lose some weight. It is exceptionally nutrient-dense with low energy density and high protein content.

A 3-ounce serving of cod provides about 16 grams of protein and 72 calories.

Codfish is added to heart-healthy foods because it contains vitamin B3, B6, and B12 along with healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Although it has a mild flavor adding lemon, chilies, pepper, and sauces make it delicious!

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3. Tilapia

Tilapia is a popular freshwater white fish. It is high in protein, a 100-gram serving of tilapia fillets provides 26 grams of protein and 111 calories.

Although tilapia has been debated for a long time due to the greater ratio of omega-6 fatty acids. But the amount of omega-6 fatty acids found in tilapia fish is insufficient to cause any harmful consequences.

It has a little bland flavor but a good marinade adds good taste.

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Although it is most typically eaten deep-fried, it can also be grilled or used in a stew.

You can also bake it with butter and lemon for an amazing lunch.

When purchasing tilapia at the market, wild tilapia is preferred since it has more nutrients than farmed tilapia.

4. Mackerel

Mackerel is not such a popular fish, but it is indeed a gift from the sea. It has a number of health benefits like its cholesterol and blood pressure-lowering properties.

Mackerel fish is high in Vit-D, Vit-B12, and B6 along with minerals such as magnesium.

It is mostly available as canned fish. A 100-gram serving of mackerel provides 23 grams of protein and 126 calories.

It has a softer, subtle flavor as compared to other varieties such as salmon and sardines. Mackerel can be fried, roasted, or baked with herbs and seasonings.

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5. Salmon

Salmon is among the most popular fish varieties, it is high in omega 3-fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals. It contains abundant amounts of protein, B-vitamins, and essential minerals.

A 100-gram serving of salmon provides about 23 grams of protein.

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6. Trout

Trout also contains an abundant amount of protein but it is often not consumed widely due to its high-calorie content.

A 100-gram serving of trout provides 35 grams of protein and 250 calories.

Consuming trout once a week provides many dietary benefits. It is abundant in almost every essential nutrient. It contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, Vit-B3 (Niacin), and Vit-B12.

Trout fillets can be roasted with lemon, salt, and pepper or they can also be baked with garlic and butter.

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7. Sardines

Sardines are oily fish, commonly available in cans are also a healthy option.

A 100-gram serving provides 24 grams of protein and 208 calories.

Each meal provides about 2.5 g of omega 3-fatty acids, a value suggested by the American Heart Association.

Fresh sardines, however, are healthier than canned options.

Sardines are high in calcium, iron, the antioxidant mineral selenium, high-quality protein, vitamin B-12, and omega-3 fatty acids

However, sardines must be avoided by heart patients due to the high amount of oil and sodium found in them.

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8. Perch

Perch is a freshwater fish. It is an excellent protein reward for your weight loss efforts. With an abundant amount of vitamin B12, sardines act as a metabolism booster. It also contains abundant amounts of vitamin A.

A delicious pan-fried serving of perch with herbs and butter is an amazing lunch option.

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9. Anchovy

This small oily fish also provides a great deal of protein. A 100-gram serving provides 28 grams of protein with 210 calories.

Despite the fact that it tastes salty, it contains low amounts of sodium. Preservation techniques account for its salty taste.

Fresh anchovy must be preferred as compared to canned ones.

These can be fried, baked, or roasted and can be paired with veggies and stuffing to add a delicious taste.

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Protein is the building block of the body, to ensure proper protein consumption high protein sources such as fish must be included in the diet.

Regardless of the type, fish provides ample amounts of protein that is enough to satisfy the daily protein needs. The goal is to add protein to the diet in the best way possible.

But everything must be done in moderation and fish consumption must not exceed the recommendations. According to AHA, fish must be consumed twice weekly.

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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