A high protein, high fat diet is a variation of the strict ketogenic diet. The ketogenic or keto diet is one that consists of 70% calories from fat, 20% calories from protein, and 5% from carbohydrates.
This typical form of the keto diet is much more difficult to follow. So, an easier variation of the keto diet is a high-protein high-fat diet which is also called a high-protein ketogenic diet.
This diet adds approximately 120 grams of protein and 130 grams of fat per day while the carbohydrates are limited to less than 10% of the total daily caloric intake. This modified version of the keto diet is simpler and requires less effort. The only side effect of this diet is that like carbohydrates, protein is also converted to glucose. This might cause a delay in ketosis but weight loss usually occurs if it is properly followed. In this article, we will discuss the effects of a high-protein high-fat diet on weight loss and some easy meals that go with this diet.High Protein Ketogenic Diet vs Standard Ketogenic Diet:

- The standard ketogenic diet consists of 75% fat, 15-20% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates.
- The high protein ketogenic diet or high protein high-fat diet consists of 60-65% fat, 30% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrates.
High Protein Ketogenic Diet’s Effect on Weight Loss:
This type of diet keeps your blood sugar levels in check as it is low in carbohydrates, provides long-lasting energy, and reduces food intake and cravings by decreasing the production of hunger and appetite-stimulating hormones. Protein is well known for maintaining satiety. When protein food enters the small intestine, the gut hormone CCK signals the brain to reduce food intake. Appetite is suppressed till the protein or fat is present in the intestine. In this way, a high-protein high-fat meal aids in appetite suppression and ultimately weight loss. A study on 17 obese men studied the effects of a high-protein ketogenic diet on hunger, appetite, and weight loss. the study results showed that a low-carb, high-protein ketogenic diet has greater effects on weight loss and appetite suppression as compared to a moderate carb, low-protein non-ketogenic diet. [Ref]High Protein High Fat Diet – Keto Diet and Ketosis:
Ketosis is a state in which ketone bodies are excreted in the urine. This state occurs when you eat less than 50 grams of carbohydrates in 3 days. Ketosis is the main mechanism for weight loss in the keto diet because it leads to the removal of body fat. With a high-protein ketogenic diet, ketosis becomes harder to achieve because the protein is also converted to glucose. It varies how quickly people attain ketosis after starting the keto diet, although it could a day in some people and might take up to 3 days in others. This variation is mainly because everyone’s metabolism of proteins and fats is different, and the body can attain a state of ketosis at varied based on hydration state, medications, and even stress levels. So, with a high protein keto diet, ketosis might be delayed for 2 to 3 days, but weight loss still occurs.Foods to Eat on a High Protein High Fat Diet (Keto Diet):

- Healthy fats: olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, butter, tallow, etc.
- High biologic value protein: Lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, poultry, and fish
- Non-starchy vegetables: leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumber, onions, asparagus, etc.
Foods to limit:
Foods restricted on this diet include high carbohydrate foods such as:- Bread and bakery items
- Sugar and sugary beverages
- Pasta
- Starchy vegetables
- Grains and grain products
- Fruits
- High carb sauces
- Ready-to-eat foods
- Alcoholic beverages
Benefits of following a High Protein Keto Diet:
The main advantage of this diet is that it is simpler and easier to follow as compared to a ketogenic diet. On a keto diet, people find it very difficult to consume fat in such high amounts daily. This modification provides them with ease by eating more protein and less fat than the standard ketogenic diet. This diet has also been reported to cause significant weight loss among obese people. Men are more likely to follow a high protein keto diet because they particularly eat greater amounts of protein as compared to women so, they find it easier than cutting out so much of their daily protein. Another benefit of this type of diet is that it keeps you away from consuming extra sugary foods, processed foods, and beverages. It also aids in maintaining blood sugar levels within the normal ranges.Possible side effects of a high protein high-fat diet:
The most common disadvantage seen among people following a high protein keto diet is that the extra protein is converted to glucose and ketosis is delayed.Health risks of a high-protein high-fat diet:
some conditions in which this type of diet must not be followed include:- People with high cholesterol levels must avoid such kinds of diets because there lies an increased risk of heart disease.
- People with kidney disease must maintain their protein in low ranges, extra protein puts additional load and declines kidney function. So, these diets that are high in protein must be strictly avoided.
- If you have osteoporosis or kidney stones, such diets might cause excessive loss of calcium which further aggravates the condition.
- People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus should also be careful while following such diets.
What is a Keto Diet?
The Keto diet is basically a high-fat and low-carb diet. When our body utilizes fats as energy, ketone bodies are released as a byproduct. The three most common ketones in our body are:- Acetone
- Acetoacetate, and
- Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
Does a Keto Diet help you lose weight?
Smaller studies have exaggerated its weight loss effects, however, studies from larger randomized clinical trials have not shown a keto diet to be superior to a simple low-caloric diet. One Review article concluded that a keto diet might help you lose weight. At the end of one year, a difference of 2 kgs was noted in the keto diet group vs the low-fat diet group. More individuals in the keto-diet group lost weight compared to the low-fat diet group. Weight loss on a keto diet has been observed to be greatest at month 5. After that, the weight loss may be sustained for a year and regained thereafter. The weight loss associated with a keto diet is not universal. Individual participants may lose up to 30 kgs or even gain up to 10 kgs [Ref]. Weight loss of up to 10 lbs has been observed especially during the first two weeks. This initial weight loss effect of a keto diet is attributed to the diuretic effect of the keto diet.Buy from Amazon Low-Carb Keto Gummies
What are the health hazards of a ketogenic diet?
It is important to understand that a ketogenic is generally not considered a natural diet. Deviation from nature is always associated with side effects some of which may be very serious. A keto diet should not be used by the following people:- People with pancreatitis
- Liver failure
- People with diseases that alter fat metabolism
- People with certain genetic diseases like pyruvate kinase deficiency, carnitine translocase, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency
- Primary Carnitine deficiency
- high blood glucose levels
- the blood becomes acidic, and
- ketone bodies formation
- Fatigue and lethargy
- insomnia
- Constipation
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- headache, and
- exercise intolerance
Should you follow a keto diet when using Ozempic?
When using Ozempic, especially for weight loss and diabetes, a keto diet seems very fascinating to boost the weight loss results and control diabetes at the same time. However, the keto diet can have serious adverse effects on your health when you are using Ozempic. These are:It is difficult to tolerate Ozempic with a Keto diet: