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Ozempic Weight Loss Before and After Pictures & Reviews

Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures

Ozempic Weight Loss Before and After Pictures & Reviews of People are posted here.

Ozempic, the once-weekly injectable formulation of Semaglutide, has not been approved for the treatment of obesity or weight loss.

However, obese diabetic patients have noticed dramatic weight loss results with it.

The high-dose formulation of Semaglutide, Wegovy, is an FDA-approved weight loss drug.

Obese people are displaying their “before and after pictures” on social media using once-weekly Ozempic injections as they reveal their inspiring weight loss journey.

In clinical trials, Ozempic has been observed to be associated with a weight loss of 13 lbs over 26 weeks [Ref]

Ozempic in real-life patients has been observed to cause a weight loss of about 17 lbs over a period of just about 9 weeks.



Ozempic Weight Loss Before and After Pictures and Reviews:

There have been numerous before and after weight loss pictures of people and influencers around the web. Very few people have posted pics of their weight loss journey using Ozempic.

Three pics I found on social media are posted here [Ref]. It is important to note that all three people were using Ozempic.

In addition, they also did cardio and other forms of workout like walking and workouts at the Gym. Plus, they reduced their daily intake of carbohydrates and burned more calories than they consumed.

The table below shows the weight loss in lbs and kgs of people who lost weight using Ozempic.

Weight Loss

Weight loss in lbs

Weight loss in Kgs

215 lbs to 172 lbs4319.5
Not mentioned9040.8
160 lbsNot mentionedNot mentioned
Not mentioned
272 lbs to 250 lbs22 lbs10




Ozempic Before and After Picture of a 215 lbs Young Woman:

This woman lost weight with Ozempic. Before Ozempic use, she weighed 215 lbs. After using Ozempic for some time, she initially lost 35 lbs.

Later she also added Adipex which helped her shed 8 more lbs.

Before Ozempic and After Ozempic use for one year
Before Ozempic (July 202) and After Ozempic use for one year (August 2021)

This female lost weight from 215 to 180 pounds. Weight became a little static but adding Adipex (Phentermine) resulted in 8 pounds of weight loss. She is now 172 pounds but hopeful to achieve a target weight of 140 pounds.

Here are a few things she found helpful in addition to using Injection Ozempic:

  • Cut out POP and fast food
  • Regular one hour of Cardio exercise
  • Going up to the workplace using stairs instead of the elevator

Regarding Ozempic, she administered 0.25 mg for four weeks and 0.5 mg afterward for a couple of months.

However, with time, she thought her body got used to it and she did not lose enough weight, rather her weight was static.

She then increased her dose to 0.75 mg for four weeks, a few injections of 1 mg, and then got back to 0.5 mg per week.



Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures of a person who lost 90 lbs (or 9 lbs?):

This person claimed to have lost 90 lbs using Ozempic. This is unbelievable.

This person claims to have lost 90 lbs using Ozempic
This person claims to have lost 90 lbs using Ozempic

This is a picture of another person using Ozempic. Although, he claims to have lost 90 lbs, however, the weight loss he claims is not obvious in the pictures.

Maybe because of the smile in the picture, his cheeks have popped out, but literally, I don’t see any weight loss, especially, 90 lbs.

He might have lost 9 lbs instead of 90 lbs (and added one zero by mistake). The viewers are the best judges but I can see a slight weight loss when I look at it with an eye of faith.

In addition, he states that clean eating, avoiding fast food, and lots of hours in the gym helped him achieve so much weight loss.

He is still continuing to lose weight. Let’s see if he loses more weight and posts new pictures after Ozempic use.



Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures of a 20-year-old student:

This young student lost significant weight using Ozempic, doing Cardio, regular exercises, and cutting down on carbs.

Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures of a 20-year-old student
Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures of a 20-year-old student

This is a 20 year of age female who is 5’8 and weighs 160 lbs. She used Ozempic for five months and lost this much weight.

She is a busy student and has maintained weight loss over the last three months without a feeling of being deprived.

She is feeling too good with her new size and is proud of herself. Her leggings size changed from 8 or 10 to size 4.

Her waist reduced from 33 to 28. For the first time, she bought herself a small-size top that she used to wear when she was in middle school. She enjoys shopping for her new size and is no more scared.

These are her new pictures after using Ozempic.
These are her new pictures after using Ozempic.

She has to reduce her basal insulin dose from 100 units to 40 units to avoid hypoglycemia. Although she takes a small portion of juice in the morning to avoid hypoglycemia, she calculates her calories and tries to burn more than she takes.

Her current average daily intake of calories is around 1200 Kcal but she has to adjust it on a daily basis. She takes 1100 calories on lazy days to 1500 calories on super active days.

She keeps track of her calories with a fitness watch and burns around 1600 calories per day without exercise.

Her physical activities routine includes long walks (with her parent’s dog), frequent short walks, and cardio classes. She goes for a workout a few times a week.

She states that Ozempic has helped her insulin resistance and weight loss. Her appetite has markedly reduced.



Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures of a middle-aged lady:

A middle-aged female who lost significant weight using Ozempic weight loss before and after pictures
A middle-aged female who lost significant weight using Ozempic

This is another middle-aged female who lost significant weight after using Ozempic. Along with regular exercise, long brisk walks, and a low-calorie diet, she lost significant weight.

Ozempic in clinical trials has resulted in significant weight loss. Although this is a lower-dose formulation that is primarily used by people who have diabetes, its weight-loss results are better than Liraglutide which is an approved weight-loss medicine.



22 lbs weight loss using Ozempic Injection:

This lady posted a pic of her face only. She claims to have lost 22 lbs using Ozempic. It’s difficult to see any difference in the body image before and after Ozempic use. However, 22 lbs are very significant!

22 lbs weight loss using Ozempic
22 lbs weight loss using Ozempic

This female has only shared pictures of the lower half of her face. She has been using Ozempic for the last six months.

Initially, she took 0.25 mg for four weeks. After a month and now, she is on 0.5 mg once a week Ozempic injection. She was 272 lbs before Ozempic. Currently, she weighs only 250 pounds.

50 lbs Weight loss using Ozempic:

This post is of patients who lost 50 lbs using Ozempic. Her A1C significantly dropped from 9 to less than 7%.

She was pleased to see her liver function normalizing and feeling healthier than before. She hasn’t shared her picture.



Other drugs in close competition with Ozempic are:

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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