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Ozempic Weight Loss Reviews by Real Patients @ Reddit

Ozempic Weight Loss Reviews

Ozempic weight loss reviews taken and summarized from the Reddit social media community have been published here.

This review is a summary of what the patients experienced when they started using Ozempic.

This review includes the degree of weight loss and the side effects that were encountered by real patients.

What is Ozempic:

Ozempic is one of the formulations of the drug, Semaglutide. It is a GLP-1 analog that has a lot of similarities to the endogenous GLP-1 analog.

Ozempic is approved only for the treatment of diabetes, it has been shown to have weight loss effects.

The weight loss effects of Ozempic and especially its higher dose formulation, Wegovy, are considered to be superior to all the currently approved weight loss medications. Even Rybelsus in high doses has been found in clinical trials to be as effective as Wegovy for weight loss in non-diabetic individuals [Ref].

It is hoped to replace bariatric surgical procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, however, the weight loss effects of bariatric surgery are tremendous and unmatchable.

How Effective is Semaglutide for Weight Loss?

Ozempic is approved only for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. However, it has been associated with weight loss as well.

When given in high doses, it has been associated with a weight loss of about 16% from the baseline.

Here is a summary of the weight loss effects of high-dose Semaglutide, Wegovy, administered in a dose of 2.4 mg once weekly.

wegovy weight loss in steps trials Rybelsus vs Wegovy
Wegovy weight loss in STEPS trials

Here is a table summarizing the above findings:

Semaglutide in the STEPS TrialWeight Loss

Even when administered in low doses such as 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, or 1 mg once a week, it has been found to have better weight loss effects than most other currently approved weight loss medications.

Ozempic has been associated with a weight loss of about 13 lbs in clinical trials. It has superior glycemic efficacy compared to most antidiabetic medications.  In clinical trials, it resulted in a reduction in the glycated hemoglobin of 1.2 to 1.8%.

However, data presented in clinical trials and reviews by real patients usually differ.

Ozempic Weight Loss Reviews by Patients on Reddit:

This data is extracted from the Reddit community. The individual responses were filled in a predesigned questionnaire.

The data was then analyzed using SPSS (a statistical software that analyzes data systemically and inferences are made using P (Probability) values).

Age and Gender distribution of the patients:

  • A total of 44 responses were extracted and analyzed. The mean age of the patients was 34.33 years. The youngest patient was 21 years of age while the oldest was 47 years of age.
  • Out of the 44 responses, 65.9% were females while males were only 34.1%.

Baseline Weight of the patients:

  • The mean baseline weight of the patients was 207.3 lbs (equivalent to 94 kgs).
  • The minimum and maximum weight of the patients was 150 lbs (68 kgs) and 285 lbs (129 kgs) respectively.
ozempic weight loss reviews reddit
Baseline minimum, maximum, and mean weight

Final Weight after a few weeks to a few months of Ozempic Use:

  • The mean weight after using Ozempic was 172.29 lbs (78 kgs) ranging from 119 lbs (54 kgs) to 240 lbs (109 kgs).
  • The greatest weight loss was seen in patients who were using Ozempic for three or more months. Furthermore, patients on higher doses had greater weight loss compared to those using low doses.

Mean Weight lost:

  • The mean weight loss in the study was 17.51 lbs (7.94 kgs). Two individuals did not notice any weight loss (Zero weight loss).
  • The maximum weight loss documented was 60 lbs (27.2 Kg).

Duration of Ozempic Use:

  • The mean duration of Ozempic use was 9.2 weeks ranging from as short as 1 week to as long as 52 weeks.

Dose of Ozempic Used:

  • The mean dose of Ozempic used by patients was 0.49 mg once a week ranging from 0.25 mg to 1.7 mg once a week.

Summary of the study:

Summary: Ozempic for Weight Loss


Total number of participants44
Mean age34.33
Gender ratio (female: males)65.9%: 34.1%
Baseline weight207.3 lbs
Minimum Weight150 lbs
Maximum Weight285 lbs
Mean weight loss17.51 lbs
Maximum weight loss60 lbs
Mean Duration of Treatment9.2 weeks
Mean Dose of Ozempic0.49 mg

The mean weight loss in different groups:

  • The mean weight loss that occurred in patients using Ozempic did not significantly differ between males and females. Males had greater weight loss than females (mean 23.85 kgs +/- 19.883 in males vs 13.63 +/- 11.897 in females), however, the difference was not significant (P-value of 0.06).
  • There was also no significant association of weight loss with age (P = 0.268), BMI, and Baseline weight (P = 0.193).
  • Most patients who were using higher doses had greater weight loss, however, the results of the study were not significant (P-value o 0.08).
  • Patients who were using Ozempic for a longer duration had significantly greater weight loss than those who were starters and had used it for a month or so (P-value of 0.0000045).
weight loss with ozempic with time in weeks
weight loss with Ozempic with time in weeks

45.45 % of patients were satisfied with their treatment, 22.7% were not very satisfied, and the rest (31.8%) were not sure and still waiting for better results.

Summary of Ozempic Weight Loss Reviews on Reddit:

Ozempic use was associated with a mean weight loss of about 17 lbs. In clinical trials, a weight loss of 13 lbs has been documented.

Most participants who reviewed Ozempic were using the drug for three months or less (66%) compared to those who were using it for more than three months.

It was noticed that the duration of Ozempic use correlated with the degree of weight loss. Hence, in real-world data, more weight loss is expected than that documented here.

More females were included in this study

weight loss associated with ozempic
Weight loss associated with Ozempic

About one-fifth of the patients had a significant weight loss of 30 (13.6 Kg) lbs or more.

A significant number of diabetic patients also reported the symptoms of PCOS. Most patients with PCOS reported significant improvement in their symptoms with the use of Semaglutide (Ozempic).

Side effects reported by patients using Ozempic:

Most patients developed gastrointestinal-related side effects. The most common side effect that was reported was a loss of appetite and not feeling normal.

Almost every second patient reported these side effects. However, patients were ready to tolerate these side effects as they knew this is how Ozempic works.

Another significant side effect was nausea. People commented that they threw out everything they ate. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea were commonly reported.

Some patients had a worsening migraine. Some patients developed headaches. It was noted that patients who had more severe gastrointestinal side effects developed headaches.

Rarely, patients reported insomnia and anxiety, however, people who lost weight noticed an improvement in their symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Two patients reported a decrease in weight for some time but then their weight was static and they were prescribed Phentermine (Qsymia) after which they noticed about 10 lbs more weight loss.

Ozempic for Weight Loss Polls: Cast Your Vote!

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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