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Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons

mini gastric bypass surgery pros and cons

Mini gastric bypass surgery is a modified form of gastric bypass surgery that is becoming more popular because it is less invasive and equally effective as conventional gastric bypass surgery. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of mini gastric bypass surgery.

Studies suggest that it has fewer complication rates, and is more effective and safe as compared to gastric bypass.

MGBP (mini gastric bypass procedure) is performed by creating a small stomach pouch and connecting the end of the pouch to a distal area of the small intestine, bypassing part of the small intestine.

This leads to significant weight loss and can also improve certain health conditions. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are both pros and cons to mini gastric bypass surgery.

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Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons

Pros (Advantages) of MGB (Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery):

  • Significant weight loss:

Mini gastric bypass surgery (MGBS) leads to a weight loss of up to 70 – 80% of the baseline body weight. Weight loss following mini gastric bypass is a gradual process with peak weight loss effects seen in about one to two years.

As the patients start losing weight, their comorbid health conditions start improving. At five to six months, more than half of the individuals do not feel the need for diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Even before significant weight loss occurs, patients may observe significant improvements in their metabolic parameters including blood glucose and blood pressure.

  • Improved health conditions:

Although weight loss is the direct outcome that the individual desires, most benefits of mini gastric bypass surgery are improvement in health and comorbid conditions including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and joint pain.

  • Reduced medication use:

With the resolution of major comorbid medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension, there is a significant reduction in the number of pills.

After mini gastric bypass surgery, patients may need to take fewer medications to manage their health conditions, such as diabetes medications and blood pressure medications.

  • Short hospital stay:

Mini gastric bypass surgery is a comparatively less invasive and less complex procedure.

Patients undergoing MGBS typically require one or two days of hospital stay. Patients can return to their routine activities within a week.

  • Fast recovery time:

Most patients are mobile and out of bed within the same day and unless there are complications, they can usually return to their normal activities within two weeks of surgery.

  • Fewer Incisions

One of the reasons for a faster recovery in MGBP is that it is laparoscopic. It requires only a few small incisions in the abdomen rather than a large incision. This can lead to less scarring, wound dehiscence, and leakage.

  • Lower risk of complications:

Mini gastric bypass surgery is associated with fewer complications compared to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.

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Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons:

Disadvantages (Cons) of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery:

  • Nutritional deficiencies:

Because Mini gastric bypass surgery, like conventional gastric bypass surgery, bypasses the first part of the small intestine, it results in nutritional deficiencies.

Patients can develop a deficiency of essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, and calcium. Supplementation is required for the rest of the lives of the patient to prevent these deficiencies.

  • Risk of Complications

While MGBP is much safer than conventional gastric bypass surgery, certain complications can still occur. These include bleeding, infection, blood clots, and leakage at the suture site.

The severity of these complications can vary from mild to severe and sometimes the patient may need hospitalization or re-do surgery.

  • Lifestyle Changes

Patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery or mini gastric bypass surgery need to commit to significant lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain their weight loss goals.

This includes adopting a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity. Failure to make these lifestyle changes can lead to weight regain and other health complications.

  • Dumping syndrome:

Dumping syndrome is a common side effect of bypass surgical procedures.

It develops because the highly osmolar food rapidly enters the small intestine resulting in fluid and electrolyte shifts. Patients may develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and low blood pressure.

  • Acid reflux:

Acid reflux is one of the common side effects of almost all bariatric surgical procedures.

Because the normal anatomy of the stomach is changed, acid can flow back into the esophagus resulting in heartburn and gastritis.

  • Stomach ulcers:

Similarly, the risk of stomach ulcers is increased with mini gastric bypass surgery, like all other weight loss surgeries.

Stomach ulcers can result in epigastric and chest pain, bleeding, and peritonitis.

  • Gallstones:

Mini gastric bypass surgery can increase the risk of gallstones. Gallstones can be asymptomatic or cause severe right upper abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice.

  • Revision Surgery:

In some cases, patients may fail to benefit from mini gastric bypass surgery. Weight loss may be minimal and the effect on co-morbid conditions may not be as thought or desired by the patient.

Such patients may require revision surgery or another form of surgery.

  • Cost:

Mini gastric bypass surgery can be expensive, and insurance may not cover the full cost of the procedure.

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Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons Compared with other Bariatric Surgical Procedures:

Gastric Bypass Vs Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery:

The conventional gastric bypass surgery involves creating a small stomach pouch and connecting it to a distal part of the small intestine to bypass some part of the initial absorptive surface of the small intestine.

This procedure is more complex and invasive and has a longer recovery time than mini gastric bypass surgery.

However, gastric bypass surgery may be a more effective option for those with a higher body mass index (BMI) or those with co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.

Here are some similarities and differences between the two procedures:


  • Both procedures cause significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and osteoarthritis.
  • Both procedures require general anesthesia and involve incisions in the abdomen.
  • Both procedures involve creating a smaller stomach pouch to limit food intake and rerouting the small intestine resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients and calories.


  • Mini gastric bypass surgery is less complex and less invasive compared to gastric bypass surgery. It involves fewer incisions.
  • The mini gastric bypass procedure typically takes less time to perform than the gastric bypass.
  • Mini gastric bypass involves rerouting the intestine to a lesser extent than gastric bypass, which means that it may carry a lower risk of complications such as leakage or infection.
  • Mini gastric bypass typically results in less weight loss than gastric bypass but it is still an effective weight loss procedure.
  • The recovery period for mini gastric bypass is usually shorter than for gastric bypass.
  • It is important to note that the choice of weight loss surgery will depend on an individual’s unique health profile, lifestyle, and goals.

MGB VS Gastric Bypass Comparison Table:




Weight Loss


Mini Gastric BypassYesModerateModerateYes
Gastric Bypass SurgeryYesLongerSignificantYes

Mini gastric bypass surgery Vs Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy):

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed by cutting or stapling the stomach into a banana-shaped pouch that can accommodate food in significantly fewer quantities than the normal stomach.

This procedure is less invasive than both mini gastric bypass and gastric bypass surgery, and it has a shorter recovery time.

However, it may not be as effective for long-term weight loss as the other procedures and may not address co-morbidities as effectively.

Here are some similarities and differences between mini gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgery:


  • Both procedures involve permanently altering the anatomy of the stomach to limit the amount of food that can be eaten and promote weight loss.
  • Both procedures can lead to significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related health conditions.
  • Both procedures can be performed laparoscopically, using small incisions in the abdomen.


  • Mini gastric bypass involves rerouting a portion of the small intestine, whereas gastric sleeve surgery does not involve any rerouting of the intestines.
  • The mini gastric bypass procedure is usually considered to be more invasive than gastric sleeve surgery, as it involves more anatomical changes to the digestive system.
  • Mini gastric bypass typically results in more rapid weight loss than gastric sleeve surgery, but may also carry a higher risk of complications such as malnutrition or dumping syndrome.
  • Gastric sleeve surgery can result in better long-term weight loss maintenance than mini gastric bypass, as it does not involve the same degree of rerouting of the intestines.
  • Gastric sleeve surgery may be a better option for patients with certain medical conditions, such as acid reflux or inflammatory bowel disease, as it does not involve rerouting the intestines.
  • Ultimately, the choice of weight loss surgery will depend on an individual’s unique health profile, lifestyle, and goals. Patients should talk to their doctor about which procedure may be best for them.

Comparison Table:




Weight Loss


Mini Gastric BypassYesModerateModerateYes
Gastric Sleeve SurgeryYesMinimalModerateYes

Mini gastric Bypass Surgery Vs Ozempic:

Ozempic is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and also has been shown to cause moderate weight loss in some individuals.

However, it is not a surgical procedure and may not be as effective for significant weight loss or co-morbidity resolution as bariatric surgical procedures.




Weight Loss


Mini Gastric BypassYesModerateModerateYes

Mini gastric Bypass Surgery Vs Other Bariatric Surgical Procedures:

There are several other bariatric surgical procedures available, including adjustable gastric banding and biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch.

These procedures may have varying levels of invasiveness, downtime, and effectiveness for weight loss and co-morbidity resolution.




Weight Loss


Mini Gastric BypassYesModerateModerateYes
Adjustable Gastric BandingYesMinimalModerateYes
Biliopancreatic DiversionYesLongerSignificantYes
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Summary Comparing Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Pros and Cons with Other Weight Loss Surgeries

Surgery Type



Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Significant weight loss,
  • improved health
  • Nutritional deficiencies,
  • dumping syndrome,
  • acid reflux,
  • stomach ulcers,
  • gallstones,
  • cost
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
  • Significant weight loss,
  • improved health
  • Higher risk of complications,
  • longer recovery time,
  • higher cost
Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Significant weight loss,
  • improved health
  • Higher risk of acid reflux,
  • potential for weight regain
Gastric Banding
  • Lower risk of complications,
  • adjustable
  • Slower weight loss,
  • higher risk of revision surgery
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Side Effects of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery:

Like any surgical procedure, mini gastric bypass surgery carries some risks and potential side effects.

Here are some of the most common side effects associated with mini gastric bypass:

  • Nausea and vomiting:

Patients may experience nausea and vomiting immediately after surgery and for a few days afterward. This is usually managed with medication and resolves on its own.

  • Dumping syndrome:

Dumping syndrome occurs when food moves too quickly from the stomach to the small intestine.

This can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, sweating, and weakness.

Dumping syndrome is usually managed by adjusting the patient’s diet to avoid foods that trigger symptoms.

  • Nutritional deficiencies:

Mini gastric bypass surgery can affect the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, leading to deficiencies.

The most common deficiencies are iron, vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. Patients will need to take supplements for the rest of their lives to prevent deficiencies.

  • Gastrointestinal problems:

Some patients may experience bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea after mini gastric bypass surgery. These symptoms can usually be managed with dietary changes and medication.

  • Acid reflux:

Mini gastric bypass surgery can increase the risk of acid reflux, which can cause heartburn, chest pain, and regurgitation of stomach contents into the throat.

This can usually be managed with medication and dietary changes.

  • Infection:

As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection. Patients will be given antibiotics before and after surgery to prevent infection.

  • Blood clots:

Some patients who undergo surgery are at an increased risk of developing blood clots, which can be life-threatening.

Patients may be given blood thinners and encouraged to walk as soon as possible after surgery to prevent blood clots.

It is important to note that while these side effects can occur, the benefits of mini gastric bypass surgery in terms of weight loss and improved health outcomes usually outweigh the risks.

Patients should talk to their doctor about their risks and potential side effects before undergoing the procedure.

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What are the Long-term Effects of Mini Gastric Bypass?

The long-term effects of mini gastric bypass surgery can vary depending on the individual and their adherence to post-surgery lifestyle changes.

Although the nutritional deficiencies, dumping syndrome, and acid reflux can also be long-term. Some other long-term effects include:

  • Stomach ulcers:

The risk of stomach ulcers can persist after mini gastric bypass surgery. Patients may need to undergo regular monitoring and treatment for stomach ulcers.

  • Gallstones:

There is an increased risk of gallstones after mini gastric bypass surgery. Patients may need to undergo regular monitoring and treatment for gallstones.

  • Weight regain:

Gaining back the weight is an undesirable side effect that can nullify all the hard work and effort put in, especially after undergoing a major surgical procedure.

It can be frustrating to end up gaining nothing at the end of the day.

It is important to note that the long-term effects of mini gastric bypass surgery can also be influenced by factors such as pre-existing health conditions, adherence to post-surgery dietary and lifestyle changes, and ongoing medical care.

Patients should continue to work closely with their healthcare providers to monitor their health and manage any ongoing issues.

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Mini gastric bypass surgery is a minimally invasive weight loss surgery that can lead to significant weight loss and improved health.

However, like any surgical procedure, it has both pros and cons.

Pros of mini gastric bypass surgery include significant weight loss, improved health conditions, reduced medication use, short hospital stay, fast recovery time, and lower risk of complications.

Cons of mini gastric bypass surgery include nutritional deficiencies, dumping syndrome, acid reflux, stomach

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What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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