
ADA Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) Screening Guidelines

T2DM Screening Guidelines

Type 2 diabetes screening is necessary for people with two or more risk factors. The ADA diabetes screening guidelines recommend every person older than 40 years test their blood sugar levels at least every 3 years.

Type 2 diabetes is a disorder of impaired glucose control in the body . This chronic (long-term) disorder causes the bloodstream to circulate with an excessive amount of sugar.

Over time, cardiovascular, neurological, and immune system issues might result from excessive blood sugar levels.

Our main topic of discussion is T2DM guidelines for the awareness of people. Because most people are unaware of this lethal disorder.

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Basic info

There are basically two interconnected issues at play in type 2 diabetes. The hormone insulin, which controls how much sugar enters your cells, is not produced by your pancreas in sufficient amounts. This causes your cells to react poorly to insulin and absorb less sugar.

Despite the fact that both type-1 and type-2 diabetes can start in childhood and maturity. Moreover, the term “adult-onset diabetes” also refers to type 2 diabetes. Although type-2 is more prevalent in elderly persons, type-2 instances have increased in younger people as a result of the rise in childhood obesity.

Type-2 diabetes has no known cure, but you may control the condition by reducing weight, eating healthily, and exercising. You may also require diabetic drugs or insulin treatment to control your blood sugar if diet and exercise are insufficient.

Guidelines for T2DM Screening

ADA’s Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes has a 2022 version in which a variety of significant modifications were made in relation to diabetes screening and management. [ref]

Following are the guidelines.

  • The age at which people were suggested to get a screening for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes was 45 years. It was independent of the absence or presence of any known risk factors and is now reduced to 35 years.
  • For three days before the oral glucose tolerance test, those being evaluated for diabetes should ensure they are consuming at least 150g of carbohydrates each day.
  • In adults of all ages who are overweight/obese and have 1 or more risk factors, testing for prediabetes or type-2 diabetes in asymptomatic individuals should be considered.
  • Repeated screening is advised at intervals of at least three years if tests are normal. But it is advised earlier if symptoms or risk changes are present.
  • Determine and address risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adults with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
  • After the start of puberty or after reaching the age of 10, risk-based assessment for prediabetes or type-2 diabetes should be considered. Also, in adolescents and children who are overweight (BMI greater than 85th percentile) or obese (BMI greater than 95th percentile). Likewise, for those who have one or more risk factors for diabetes.
  • Before beginning antiretroviral medication, before changing antiretroviral therapy, and 3-6 months after beginning or changing antiretroviral therapy. People with HIV should have a fasting glucose test to check for diabetes/prediabetes. Fasting glucose levels should be evaluated yearly if the screening test’s first findings are normal.
  • A1C, 2-hour plasma glucose during a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test, and fasting plasma glucose are all suitable screening tests for prediabetes and type-2 diabetes.

Guidelines for T2DM in youth:

The ADA published a position statement on the assessment and treatment of type 2 diabetes with youth onset in November 2018. [ref]

  • When a child turns 10 or has entered puberty and is overweight or obese, risk-based screening should be taken into consideration.
  • To rule out the existence of autoimmune type-1 diabetes as part of the diagnosis, a panel of pancreatic autoantibodies ought to be used.
  • All children and adolescents with type-2 diabetes and their families should get thorough, culturally sensitive diabetes self-management education and support.
  • Repeat tests if they are normal at least every three years, or more often if your BMI is rising.
  • The comparatively low risk of hypoglycemia in type-2 diabetes with youth onset should be taken into account when setting A1C goals for young people using insulin.
  • Only when both the patient and the provider believe it to be suitable should a transition to adult care be set up.

Guidelines for gestational diabetes and T2DM:

Type-2 diabetes can be closely related to gestational diabetes. Because almost half of the people who develop gestational diabetes can end up developing type-2 diabetes after pregnancy. [ref]

Following are the guidelines for GDM:

  • If a pregnant woman has high-risk impaired glucose metabolism that was discovered earlier in the current pregnancy or has not yet been diagnosed with diabetes, gestational diabetes screening must be performed between 24-28 weeks.
  • If not tested prior to conception, test women with risk factors prior to the 15 weeks of gestation. Also, think about testing all women for undiagnosed diabetes at the initial prenatal appointment using conventional diagnostic criteria.
  • Women with diabetes ought to get appropriate treatment.
  • Lifelong screening for the onset of diabetes or prediabetes is necessary. It should be done with a record of GDM at least every three years.
  • Preventing diabetes should involve significant lifestyle changes. Metformin shows beneficial effects in women who have a history of gestational diabetes mellitus and prediabetes.

How to do T2DM Screening?

Here are some diagnostic tests that you must undergo for screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) Test: Tests the blood glucose levels after an 8-hour fast

  • PROS: Simple and widely available
  • CONS: Requires fasting. Results might differ in chronic illness.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT): Measures blood glucose levels before and 2 hours after drinking a glucose-rich beverage

  • PROS: Can detect early stages of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance
  • CONS: Requires fasting and a longer testing period

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) Test: Records the average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months

  • PROS: Convenient and easy to perform anytime
  • CONS: Results vary in certain medical conditions

Random Plasma Glucose Test: Measures blood glucose levels at any time of day, regardless of food intake

  • PROS: Convenient and easy to perform anytime
  • CONS: Results can vary in acute illness or stress

Point-of-Care Testing (POCT): Blood glucose testing using a portable device

  • PROS: Quick and easy to perform
  • CONS: May have less accuracy

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Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

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