
Oolong Tea Benefits And Side Effects

Oolong Tea Benefits

If you have been a fan of black tea and love the taste of green tea, then oolong tea will be your next favorite drink.

It goes through an interesting processing method which gives it a unique taste. But this tea has more to it than taste as research is currently exploring its health benefits.

It can help with mental health while also boosting your physical well-being. Nevertheless, moderation is important while consuming anything.

This blog dives deeper into the world of oolong tea and what benefits it can provide.

Oolong Tea Benefits

This tea contains components that can help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Here are a few ways oolong tea can benefit you.

Enhances mental health:

  • Stay focused:

This tea is composed of caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid. The caffeine part gives you energy while the L-theanine can make you feel relaxed without being sleepy.

This combination will improve your attention span. So, taking oolong tea with breakfast or as an afternoon snack can keep you energized with a clear mind all day.

  • Stress reduction and relaxation:

L-theanine will keep you calm and stress-free. So, when you have a busy schedule just one cup of tea can take away the toll on your mental health.

Blessing for your health:

  • Weight management:

Research has shown that oolong tea can help improve metabolism and fat burning [ref].

This combo will induce weight loss so, while this is not a magic bullet it is still an incredible addition to your healthy diet.

  • Lower risk of heart disease:

It can possibly reduce LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol [ref]. A low LDL and high HDL reduce any chances of CVDs in your life. As it improves your cholesterol profile it keeps your heart healthy.

  • Stronger bones:

Research also says that oolong tea can enhance bone mineral density which will improve your bone health [ref].

So if you are concerned about keeping your bones strong then taking a cup every day would do wonders for you.

  • Glowing skin:

Like any other herbal tea, this one is also packed with antioxidants. For glowing skin, antioxidants can fight free radicals and prevent any inflammation. However, we need more research to look into this effect of oolong tea.


A glimpse at emerging possibilities:

While research is still being done, some studies suggest oolong tea might provide extra benefits, such as:

  • Cancer prevention:

Research has pointed towards oolong tea’s anti-cancer properties, but it needs more investigation. This is an interesting aspect and digging into it can only add more to Oolong’s list of benefits.

  • Blood sugar control:

This is good news for diabetics as oolong tea can help in regulating blood sugar.

While this is a valuable benefit, it is always better to have solid evidence supporting its role in preventing hyperglycemia.


The science behind the sip:




Antioxidants (polyphenols)Overall health, reduced risk of chronic diseasesNeutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage cells.
L-theanineFocus, alertness, relaxationWorks synergistically with caffeine, promoting a state of calm alertness.
CaffeineFocus, alertnessStimulates the central nervous system. (Be mindful of moderation!)
Catechins (a type of antioxidant)Heart healthMay help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL cholesterol.
Vitamins & mineralsOverall well-beingSupport various bodily functions.

Oolong Tea Side Effects

Now that we have discussed all the potential benefits of oolong tea, it is important to consider the other side of the story as well.

Oolong can have some side effects if it is not consumed in moderation.

Potential side effects

  • Caffeine content:

As we mentioned above this tea contains caffeine, less than coffee though, high intake can lead to symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

But you do not need to worry about this as long as you take it in moderation.

  • Mind your medications:

They can interact with certain medicines as well. So, inform your doctor about oolong tea before he/she prescribes any drugs.

  • Digestive discomfort:

This case may vary from person to person but oolong tea can cause issues like an upset stomach or bloating. If you experience any discomfort then lower the dosage of oolong in your tea.


Safe Consumption Tips

  • Unlocking flavor:

How you brew oolong tea can change its flavor and any possible side effects.

Using the right water temperature (usually about 180°F or 82°C) and steeping time for your specific oolong tea can make a tasty and smooth cup.

  • Low dose:

If you are new to oolong tea, start with a small amount and slowly increase how much you drink. This lets your body get used to it and helps you find the right amount for you.

  • Listen to your body:

As with any food or drink, watch how your body reacts. If you notice any bad side effects, lower the amount you drink or stop drinking it completely.



Oolong tea’s benefits range from improved attention span to a relaxed state of mind. However, if you want to avoid any side effects, look at how your body responds.

Start with small amounts as an experiment, and try different brewing methods as well. Whether you are trying to boost your energy or relax yourself, oolong tea is always a great choice.

Read: Is Oolong Tea Effective for Weight Loss?

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

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