
How to Inject Ozempic in Stomach? 5 Easy Steps!

Ozempic Pen

In this post, I will teach you how to Inject Ozempic in Stomach or thighs. It is super easy and painless if you follow the proper steps.

In fact, some people may mistakenly repeat the dose when they don’t feel a slight prick or sensation.

Ozempic is a weekly injection; you should not inject it more frequently before the scheduled time.

If you are injecting it every Friday, you have to wait for the following Friday to administer your dose and not before that.

Furthermore, the dosing schedule should be followed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The starting dose is 0.25 mg once a week for four weeks, followed by 0.5 mg once a week for 4 weeks, and then 1 mg once a week.

It is very important not to start from a higher dose or jump directly from 0.25 mg once a week to 1 mg or 2 mg. You may develop severe side effects by doing so.


Where can you Inject Ozempic Injection?

Ozempic injection is administered just like insulin injections into the skin.

The preferred sites are [Ref]:

  • skin of the belly, 3 to 5 cm away from the navel
  • the thighs, or 
  • the upper arms.

sites where to inject Ozempic
Preferred sites where to inject Ozempic [Source]
It is essential to rotate the sites. Do not administer Ozempic injection into one area of the skin each time you inject.

Prepare your pen:

Next, open your Ozempic packing. You will be provided with an Ozempic pen and 6 Novofine 32-gauge disposable needles. These needles are ultrafine and very small. 

They are essentially pain-free needles. It seems like your Ozempic pen is a needle-less device.

how to inject ozempic in stomach
Ozempic pen and 6 32-gauge Novofine needles

Check the label and the Medicine:

Always check the label. If you see a slight misalignment, you may need to contact your provider.

It is always best to buy Ozempic pens from Novo-authorized pharmacies.

Check Ozempic pen label before injecting it
Check the Ozempic pen label before injecting it

Next, check the medicine. It should be clear and colorless. If you find any particles or the medicine is discolored, do not use it.

how to inject ozempic in stomach step 1 and 2 check the medicine
Inspect the medicine. It should be clear and colorless

Attach the needle and check the flow:

Attach the needle with your pen. Press it and rotate it until it is fixed properly.

Then remove the cap of the needle and press the knob to check for flow.

attach the needle how to use my ozempic pen
attach the needle

When checking for flow, you don’t need to rotate the knob. Just press it and you will see a tiny drop coming out of it.

You have to check the flow each time with your new pen.

Adjust your dose:

Next, select your dose by rotating the knob. When you rotate the knob, you will first see ‘0.25’ on the screen. 

rotate the knob to select your dose
Rotate the knob to select your dose

On further rotating the knob, you will see ‘0.5″. Rotate to the desired dose.

If you inadvertently rotated the knob too much, you can always rotate backward.

how to inject ozempic in stomach step 3 rotate the knob to adjust your dose
Rotate the knob to adjust your dose

Your dose will appear on the screen next to the knob:

how to inject ozempic in stomach step 4. select your dose
This is the screen. You can select your dose here.

Your selected dose will appear here:

Your selected Ozempic dose on the screen
Your selected Ozempic dose on the screen

The final step: How to inject Ozempic in Stomach?

After selecting your dose, expose the skin of your tummy. Inject straight into the skin, 3 to 5 cm away from the navel.

The injection technique is the same if you are administering it into your stomach, thighs, or upper arms.

how to inject ozempic in stomach step 5
How to inject Ozempic in stomach

When you press the knob after you inject it, it will automatically go back to the original preinjection position.

After injecting Ozempic, when the knob goes back to its original position and you can not press it more, wait for 5 to 10 seconds and then remove it.

Do not cap the needle, detach the whole needle and discard it into a sharps container.

Final Words about how to inject Ozempic in Stomach?

Do not share your pen or your needles with other members of your family, your friends, or anyone.

A single pen can have 2 to 6 doses depending on your dose. You can not use it beyond 6 weeks because of the shelf-life of Ozempic.

Avoid buying Ozempic from unauthorized pharmacies or online stores.


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Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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