
1600 Kcal Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

1600 Kcal Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

Here is a 1600 Kcal Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan. Although it seems like too much for a beginner, it’s not for a person who is obese or overweight at baseline.

In addition, you should aim to lose 1 to 2 lbs per week. You should calculate your caloric needs based on the following formula:

  • BMR x activity factor

BMR is calculated as:

  • For men: BMR = 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (years) + 5
  • For women: BMR = 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (years) – 161

Adjust for Activity Level:

Multiply the BMR by an activity factor (1.2 for sedentary, 1.375 for lightly active, etc.) to estimate the total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

Don’t try this meal plan if your TDEE is less than 1600. Go to the 1400 kcal or 1200 kcal meal plan

Read: Is Semaglutide and Intermittent Fasting Safe and Effective?

Here is a sample 7-day intermittent fasting meal plan:

Intermittent fasting meal plan: 16:8

Eating window: 12:00 Pm to 08:00 Pm

Fasting window: 08:00 Pm to next day 12:00 Pm

Estimated Calorie Intake: 1600 Kcal per day

Day-1 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1580 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (116 g): 38.3%
  • Proteins (113 g): 37.3%
  • Fats (74 g): 24.4%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 29.4%
  • Proteins: 28.6%
  • Fats: 42.2%

Day 01


Carbs (116g)

Protein (113g)

Fats (74g)

Kcal (1580)

Meal 11 cup cottage cheese with 10 berries and 5 walnuts. 1 cup black coffee.223218380
Snack50g grilled tuna with ½ cup chopped mixed greens on a lettuce wrap.4255160
Meal 21 cup lentil soup and 1 slice whole-grain bread with ½ avocado.401520400
Snack½ cup boiled chickpeas with 1 tbsp olive oil, ½ chopped tomato, and ½ chopped cucumber.20916260
Meal 3100g grilled Salmon with 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts and 1/2 cup sweet potatoes303215380

Day-2 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1620 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (107 g): 37.4%
  • Proteins (93 g): 32.5%
  • Fats (86 g): 30.1%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 26.4%
  • Proteins: 23%
  • Fats: 47.8%

Day 02


Carbs (107g)

Protein (93g)

Fats (86g)

Kcal (1620)

Meal 11 cup Greek yogurt, 10 strawberries, 5 pistachios. 1 glass of fresh apple juice.581220460
Snack10 almonds and 10 pistachios111124300
Meal 2100g grilled tofu, 1 cup roasted mixed greens, ½ chopped avocado, 1 tsp olive oil dressing.181520360
Snack50g of lean beef jerky with green tea2307200
Meal 3100g grilled salmon with 1 cup roasted asparagus and ½ cup boiled and chopped sweet potato.182515300

Day-3 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1595 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (135 g): 42.3%
  • Proteins (120 g): 37.6%
  • Fats (64 g): 20.1%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 33.9%
  • Proteins: 30.1%
  • Fats: 36.1%

Day 03


Carbs (135g)

Protein (120g)

Fats (64g)

Kcal (1595)

Meal 12 slices whole wheat bread, 1 whole egg omelette, 1 glass banana milkshake.703118560
Snack½ cup cottage cheese with pineapple.16132130
Meal 2100g grilled salmon with mixed roasted vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, peppers)254015400
Snack1 tbsp hummus with ½ cup chopped carrot.82370
Meal 3100g grilled chicken, 1 cup roasted zucchini and carrots, drizzled with olive oil163426435

Day-4 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1600 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (152 g): 46.2%
  • Proteins (120 g): 36.5%
  • Fats (57 g): 17.3%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 38%
  • Proteins: 30%
  • Fats: 32%

Day 04


Carbs (152g)

Protein (120g)

Fats (57g)

Kcal (1600)

Meal 11 avocado toast with 100g smoked salmon402520440
Snack1 cup plain Greek yogurt with 1 hard-boiled egg102710230
Meal 2100g grilled Chicken breast with 1 cup brown rice36458400
Snack1 tbsp hummus, 1/2 medium cucumber, 10 olives639120
Meal 3 1 cup lentil curry with 1 cup brown rice.602010410

Day-5 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1600 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (213 g): 64.2%
  • Proteins (61 g): 18.4%
  • Fats (58 g): 17.5%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 53.3%
  • Proteins: 15.3%
  • Fats: 32.6%

Day 05


Carbs (213g)

Protein (61g)

Fats (58g)

Kcal (1600)

Meal 11 cup Greek yogurt with 10 berries and 1 granola bar. 1 glass apple smoothie.552518480
Snack½ cup chopped carrots, ½ cup chopped cucumbers, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1/2 tbsp olive oil.19616240
Meal 21 cup lentil soup and 1 slice whole-grain bread with ½ avocado.401520400
Snack1 rice cake with 1 medium banana3420.5140
Meal 31 cup lentil soup and 1 slice whole-grain bread 1 glass apple juice.65134340

Day-6 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1610 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (65 g): 21.7%
  • Proteins (154 g): 51.5%
  • Fats (80 g): 26.8%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 16.1%
  • Proteins: 38.3%
  • Fats: 44.7%

Day 06


Carbs (65)

Protein (154g)

Fats (80g)

Kcal (1610)

Meal 11 whole egg omelet with ½ slice American cheese and 1 cup sliced tomatoes and onions. 1 glass almond shake (5 almonds only with low-fat milk). Black coffee.262726450
Snack2 oz tuna in water, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, 1/4 tsp Dijon mustard, 1/4 cup celery, chopped, 1 tbsp onion, chopped, 1 lettuce leaf82012220
Meal 2100g grilled boneless chicken, 1 cup steamed broccoli and 1 cup steamed cauliflower, 1/4 avocado, 1tsp olive oil.154018390
SnackGreen tea0000
Meal 38 oz beef stir-fry made with lean beef, bell peppers, onions, and a light soy sauce-based sauce166724550

Day-7 Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan:

Total Calories: 1600 Kcal/day

Nutrients by percentage in grams:

  • Carbs (195 g): 57.2%
  • Proteins (96 g): 28.2%
  • Fats (50 g): 14.7%

Nutrients by the percentage of calories provided:

  • Carbs: 48.8%
  • Proteins: 24%
  • Fats: 28.1%

Day 07


Carbs (195g)

Protein (96g)

Fats (50g)

Kcal (1600)

Meal 11 cup oatmeal with 1 tsp flax seeds, 7 berries, and a drizzle of maple syrup. 1 glass of low-fat milk.53178350
Snack1 cup plain Greek yogurt with 1 hard-boiled egg102710230
Meal 2100g grilled Salmon with 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts and 1/2 cup sweet potatoes303215380
Snack1 tbsp hummus, 1/2 medium cucumber, 10 olives639120
Meal 31 cup brown rice, 1 cup spinach curry. 1 glass of fresh orange juice.96178520

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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1400 kcal intermittent fasting meal plan

1400 Kcal Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

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