
Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workout

Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Workout

Your pecs and triceps will be put through their limits by this simple but intense chest and tricep dumbbell workout, which challenges your muscles from various angles and with a number of different rep ranges.

Dumbbells, as opposed to barbells, provide a greater range of motion and a more intense muscular stretch, particularly during compound presses.

As a result, this dumbbell chest and triceps workout will naturally provide your body with strong hypertrophic stimulation and a skin-splitting muscular pump.

Many weightlifters ponder if they should combine the dumbbell workout of the chest along with triceps, and biceps, but in fact, the solution is very straightforward.

You may as well exercise your triceps after working out your chest while your elbows are thoroughly warmed up because any type of bench press exercises your triceps to a significant extent.

Flat Dumbbell Chest Presses

Flat Dumbbell Chest Presses
Flat Dumbbell Chest Presses

Bench pressing with dumbbells is one of the exercises we recommend. That’s correct, if you want to bulk up your chest, all you need to do to enhance your bench press is swap the barbell for a pair of dumbbells.

This exercise has two modifications that can be made a part of your workout routine.

Dumbbell use offers a broader range of motion than using a barbell, allowing you to target more chest muscles during the session. Your pecs are the main focus of the exercise, but your triceps are also worked as a bonus.

How to do it:

Lean back on a bench while holding a dumbbell with each hand at your side. Your palms should be towards your feet in the starting position; however, if you experience shoulder pain, switch to a neutral grip, where the palms face each other.

With your elbows extended until your arms are straight, press the weights over your chest, and then gently lower them back down.

Take the weights beyond your shoulders and move them more closely together at the peak of the exercise to maximize the range of motion provided by dumbbells instead of a barbell.

However, avoid touching them at the peak because doing so will lessen the load on your muscles.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

This exercise is a modification of the one stated above. In comparison to regular exercise, the incline press puts more stress on the top of your chest and the front of your shoulders.

It strengthens your muscles and perhaps allows you to lift more weight while performing the flat bench press. This exercise will stimulate the triceps as well.

How to do it:

Set the bench at a 30-45° inclination so that your back rests on it with your feet flat on the ground.

The dumbbells should be raised to chest level with your hands facing front. Use your pecs to propel the movement as you exhale and raise the dumbbells until your arms are completely extended.

Keep the dumbbells apart. At the peak, hold them for a brief while before bringing them slowly back down as you breathe in.

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press

decline dumbbells' bench press
Decline Dumbbells’ Bench Press

Here is another modification. Given that the incline bench press targets the top of the chest, it seems logical that the decline bench press will target the lower chest muscles more forcefully.

With this variation, you could also realize that you can lift more weight on the decline than you can with the flat or incline press.

How to do it:

Place a seat at a 45° angle and get seated on the incline’s top. Carefully adjust your position as you raise the dumbbells to your chest.

Bring the weights back to your chest after carefully pushing them straight up. Focus on preventing the inclination to let the weights slide back over your head throughout the movement.

When trying this technique for the first time, it can be beneficial to have someone monitor your form.

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Now we have a triceps workout that can be followed by a chest workout.

How to do it:

Get seated on the end of a flat bench while holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand. Lean back and raise the dumbbells with your hands facing each other over your head while maintaining a neutral grip.

Lower the weights until they are roughly level with your ears while maintaining a straight upper arm position. As you raise the weights back to the beginning position, you need to squeeze your triceps.

Bent Over Tricep Kickbacks.

This particular exercise will stimulate your tricep muscles. It is the strongest muscular activity after triangle push-ups. [Ref]

How to do it:

Holding dumbbells in your hands, lean forward at the hips while maintaining a straight back and your biceps firmly on the side of your ribcage.

You should have a 90-degree bend in your elbows. Fully extend your elbows back. Keep your biceps close to your ribs and slowly drop the dumbbells back to 90 degrees.

Close Grip Dumbbell Press

This is also called “Crush Press”. The dumbbell crush press is a version of the dumbbell bench press as well as a workout for building the chest and triceps muscles.

In comparison to other bench press varieties, the crushing press integrates the triceps more.

This exercise is beneficial for those attempting to develop a mental connection with their chest muscles as well as for lifters looking to develop stronger triceps to help them with other press variants.

How to do it:

Hold a dumbbell in each hand while seated on an exercise bench. Place the dumbbells together and push them with a neutral grip. Hold your abs tight while bringing your shoulders back and down.

Next, place the weights on your chest while lying on a flat bench. Dumbbells should be pressed as hard inward as you can. Upper arms should be tucked into the sides.

After that, raise the weights till your arms are straight and make sure they are above your chest. Avoid locking your arms. By continuing to push the dumbbells together, you may keep your pecs contracted.

When done, return the weights to your chest and perform the motion again.

Make careful not to give up on the pressure from inside. For the remainder of the set, keep pressing the dumbbells together.

Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

The triceps extension can be performed while standing, sitting, or lying flat or on an incline or decline. Additionally, you may use several kinds of weight.

Just be careful not to overload the weight, since working with a heavy dumbbell may impair your form and prevent you from completing the exercise’s complete range of motion, which is essential to working the triceps effectively.

How to do it:

Starting from a standing posture, place your feet shoulder-width apart and grab a set of dumbbells directly in front of you.

Once your arms are completely extended, raise the dumbbells over your head. Be cautious not to overextend your elbows as you gradually drop the weights back behind your head.

Return the weight to the beginning position as soon as your forearms are no longer parallel to the floor. Throughout the exercise, your upper arms should stay in position.

Dumbbell Chest Fly

Start with a low dumbbell weight of three to five pounds if you’re just starting out. Use eight to ten-pound weights if you have more experience with upper-body workouts. Additionally, as you go, you can raise the weight.

How to do it:

Lay flat on your back on a flat, inclining bench. Your feet should be firmly planted on the ground on either side of the seat. Your head & back should be planted firmly on the bench for the duration of the exercise.

You can ask for the two dumbbells to be brought to you, or you can gently pick one up off the floor and hold it in each hand.

Stretch your arms out above your head without locking them out. Your elbows ought to be slightly bent and your hands should be facing the dumbbells.

Take a deep breath in and descend the dumbbells in an arc motion until they are parallel to your chest. Although your arms won’t be locked out, they will be out to the sides. Avoid lowering your arms below your shoulders.

Taking a deep breath out, steadily press the dumbbells up in an arc motion.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions. Rest. Total 3 sets.


  • The long and lateral head of your triceps is not as adequately worked by many chest workouts (such as the bench press).
  • As a result, if you combine a few tricep workouts with your chest exercises, both your triceps and your chest will have had a solid workout.

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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