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6 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea Benefits

Teas come in many flavors to soothe your spirit and fill your thirst, whether you prefer them hot or cold in steaming mugs.

Choosing a tea that provides health benefits while being refreshing is a wonderful decision.

If you want to get relief from headaches, aid in digestion, and ease clogged sinuses it is highly recommended to drink peppermint tea.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

The health benefits of peppermint tea extend beyond its pleasant flavor. This is an overview of some of the main ways it could improve your health:

1. Digestive Relief:

Sipping on peppermint tea may offer digestive benefits, in part because of its compound menthol.

The menthol relaxes the smooth muscles in your digestive tract and lessens constipation, cramping, bloating, and other issues by facilitating the passage of food.

Furthermore, a study reveals that peppermint tea stimulates the flow of bile acid which helps in digestion by dissolving fats.

2. Fresh Breath:

Peppermint is widely used as a breath freshener in the form of mouth freshener, gums, and also in the form of tea.

It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties which help support oral hygiene in one way or another.

With these qualities, you might be able to fight off the bacteria that cause bad breath and feel confident and minty fresh.

3. May Reduce Pain:

Some studies suggest that the pain-relieving qualities of peppermint may help cure headaches, especially tension headaches. 

Menthol relaxes your muscles which provides a sense of relief and reduces discomfort [ref].

4. May relieve clogged sinuses:

Peppermint may also relieve clogged sinuses due to its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Because of these properties, peppermint tea may soothe congested sinuses due to allergies, infections, and the common cold [ref].

Furthermore, a study indicates that one of the peppermint’s active ingredients menthol enhances your perception of the airflow in your nasal cavity.

Therefore, inhaling steam from peppermint tea can relieve clogged sinuses and help with breathing [ref].

5. Reduces Nausea and Vomiting:

A cup of peppermint tea could help in case of vomiting and feeling of nausea. Research shows that peppermint can help soothe upset stomachs and lessen the urge to vomit.

This makes peppermint tea useful for people dealing with morning sickness or motion sickness.

6. Assists in Sleep and Relaxation:

Peppermint has calming effects that go beyond the stomach. The menthol in peppermint tea may have a calming effect on the nervous system, encouraging a sense of calmness and overall well-being. This can help you decompress before bed and improve the quality of your sleep.


The Science Behind The Sip:




MentholHelps in digestion, relief nausea provides fresh breathRelaxes smooth muscles in the digestive tract and reduces spasms
SalicylatesPain relief, anti-inflammatoryWork similar to aspirin may inhibit pain receptors and inflammation
Flavonoids (including hesperidin)Antioxidant may reduce allergy symptomsNeutralize free radicals, which may decrease inflammation in airways
Monoterpenes (including limonene)Improved mood, relaxationMay influence neurotransmitters, promoting feelings of calmness

Peppermint Tea Side Effects and Considerations

Although there are many possible advantages to drinking peppermint tea, you should be aware of the following before incorporating it into your daily routine:

Potential side effects

1. Medications Interactions:

Peppermint may interact with certain medications. Patients undergoing organ transplantation should not take it with cyclosporine.

Additionally, it might lessen the effects of drugs that lower stomach acid or medications that are metabolized in the liver.

If you take medication for diabetes or high blood pressure, consult your doctor before consuming peppermint tea.

Peppermint may interfere with how your body absorbs these medications, potentially reducing their effectiveness.

2. Heartburn and GERD:

Peppermint tea may cause adverse effects on people who frequently experience heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

Menthol present in peppermint tea can relax both the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and the muscles in the digestive tract.

The relaxation of LES may cause the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, worsening the symptoms of heartburn.


Safe consumption tips

  • Possible Allergic Reactions:

    • Allergic reactions from peppermint are rare, but they do exist.
    • If you experience rashes, itching, swelling, or any other adverse reactions after consuming peppermint tea, stop its consumption and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Dosage:

    • Excessive consumption of peppermint tea may cause unfavorable effects such as upset stomach and heartburn.
    • Limit your intake to 1-2 cups per day and pay attention to how your body reacts. If your body shows any side effects reduce its intake or stop altogether.
  • Pregnancy and lactation:

    • Peppermint tea is safe to drink in moderation during pregnancy and lactation, but little is known about its effects at this time.
    • Still, it is best to consult with your doctor before drinking peppermint tea in these situations.

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Ahmed

I am Dr. Ahmed (MBBS; FCPS Medicine), an Internist and a practicing physician. I am in the medical field for over fifteen years working in one of the busiest hospitals and writing medical posts for over 5 years.

I love my family, my profession, my blog, nature, hiking, and simple life. Read more about me, my family, and my qualifications

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